Heard of Rape Culture? This is how you may be Enabling it

Rape culture is real. It’s not just about sex. It’s huge and it stinks. No, it’s not just a myth, it’s more than a conspiracy theory being purported by angry, sex-starved feminists. It’s real and we need to start having serious conversations about the topic, and actively call out rapists and rape apologist for who…

“Akarwa k’ abakobwa”

Nothing is as unraveling as a story heard for the second time under different circumstances. In Burundi, while in a junior high Kirundi Class, I learnt about a hidden and isolated place where unmarried pregnant girls were left to die. Some were even stoned to death. It was a tradition that even my teacher found…

Exploring Ethiopian Masculinities

In my perspective, the conversations and interventions to promote gender equality in Ethiopia have focused heavily on women. Therefore a natural inclination has been to assign  gender issues as ‘women’s issues’. If by definition, gender, refers to the socialized roles and responsibilities of men and women that are assumed within families, societies, cultures and expectations…